You will hardly be able to believe that there is such a natural paradise just 90 mins from the center of Tokyo.

This is one of our most popular base locations, both for the courses that can be fully enjoyed by complete beginners, and for the fabulously tranquil environment that allows you to completely refresh.

The limestone mountains provide some great canyoning courses with a fantastic range of slides, jumps and rappels.

If you're looking for more adventurous, adrenaline-pumping courses, check out Minakami Canyoning.

Minakami also offers BBQ's, lodge and riverside glamping options as well as a number of other adventures such as rafting, packrafting, MTB,and bungy jumping.....

Okutama Canyoning courses

The two main courses in Okutama are Mononoke and Big Mononoke Canyon.

At Canyons, we use a level system to define the challenge level of the course. To make it a bit easier to understand the difference check the table below:

もののけ Mononoke Lv.ホヌリヌ Holy Lv.ビッグもののけ Big Mononoke Lv.ビッグホヌリヌ Big Holy Lv.
遊ぶ時間 Time in Canyon75 mins75 mins120 mins120 mins
滝の最倧高さ Biggest waterfall25 m 15m25 m25 m
ゞャンプの最倧高さ (オプションBiggest Jump (optional)3.5 m3.5 m5 m6 m
スラむダヌ Slider5 m7 m5 m7 m
ハむキング Hiking-入門- 最初の滝たで玄15分 Easy 15 minutes to first waterfall-入門- コヌスアりト時に急な登り玄2分 Easy 1 min in, 2 min hike out-初玚- 最䞊郚たで急な登りありで玄25分 Moderate 25 min walk up a steep hill-初玚- コヌスアりト時に急激な登り玄10分 Moderate 1- min steep walk out of canyon

NOTE: Okutama tour capacity is quite small. If you are looking for canyoning tours we suggest checking availability in Minakami also. In Minakami BBQ, glamping and rafting packages also available.


World class adventure just outside Tokyo


Okutama opens in mid-April and goes through until late October. As the area receives little snow, most of the courses are available all season. If you are looking to do more adventurous canyoning or would like a range of activities then we recommend Canyons Minakami.

ABOUT Okutama

Okutama is a popular city escape destination for people living in Tokyo. On weekends you can see the rivers lined with BBQ's and the mountain trails filled with hikers.


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Canyons blog

Location Spotlight: Okutama

Okutama is your outdoor escape from the bustling Tokyo metropolis!

Meet The Team: Sam Harris

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