1. What is rafting?

  2. I've never been rafting before. Can I still come on the tour?

  3. Is rafting dangerous?

  4. I can't swim. Can I still take part?

  5. Do I need to book before I arrive?

  6. What is your cancellation policy?

  7. What should I bring?

  8. Can I take part if I wear glasses or contact lenses?

  9. Do you offer a pick up from local stations?

  10. What if it is raining?

  11. When is the best time to go rafting?

  12. Do you have lunch or BBQ facilities for after my tour?

  13. Do you offer any accommodation packages?

  14. Can I join the tour if I am travelling alone?

  15. Is there a minimum age requirement for rafting?


Q1. What is rafting?

A1. Rafting is the sport of negotiating you way down a river in an inflatable raft. The Spring Season brings world-class grade 4+ white water rapids offering high thrills. The summer season the water level drops and the tour involves playing in and outside of the boat on a mellow grade 1-2 section. The two seasons are very different in terms of distance covered on the river and the type of experience, so pick your ideal thrill level.

Q2. I've never been rafting before. Can I still come on the tour?

A2. By all means. Rafting is an incredibly accessible sport and is easy for first timers to pick up. You guide will take you through all the necessary techniques before you hit the water and will be with you for the whole of the trip to ensure you get the very best from your experience.

Q3. Is rafting dangerous?

A3. As with all sports there is a slight element of risk involved. Rafting is an outdoor adventure sport that works with Mother Nature so, unlike a theme park ride, there will be risk involved. Canyons prides itself on using only highly professional experienced guides and the highest quality safety equipment to control the risk element. The guide's role is to make sure that the customer has as safe and as enjoyable an experience as possible, and by listening to the direction of the guide, the customer makes this easier.

Q4. I can't swim. Can I still take part?

A4. Definitely. Every participant wears a lifejacket which provides ample buoyancy. Our wetsuits also provides additional buoyancy aid so you are not going to sink if you end up in the water and can't swim.

However, those who are afraid of the water, or likely to panic if they find themselves in the water, probably want to think twice.

Q5. Do I need to book before I arrive?

A5. Prebooking is necessary. The further in advance, the better. To be sure of securing a place on a weekend, it is best to book at least 2 weeks in advance, 3 weeks in advance for the busy summer period. It is possible that there will be places still left "on the day", but this is very rare so please prebook so you do not miss out.

Q6. What is your cancellation policy?

A6. In the unfortunate event of cancellation by the customer the following charges apply. Failure to show up for your tour on time due to traffic or other circumstances will be deemed as a cancellation, so please take care, especially on the weekends and make allowances for traffic.

(15-7日前 - 20%) | (6-2日前 - 30%) | (前日 - 50%) | (当日- 100%)

PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations made after 17:00 will be treated as cancellations made on the following day. It is rare, but if we have to cancel the tour due to unsuitable conditions we would offer you another tour or no charges would apply.

Q7. What should I bring?

A6. Some swimwear and a towel is all you need. Canyons provides everything else that you need to take part in the tour (included in the tour price). You may want to bring other things that might be useful on the day such as sunscreen in summer.

Q8. Can I take part if I wear glasses or contact lenses ?

A8. Yes you can still take part. Goggles and glasses straps are good options. Please be aware Canyons cannot take responsibility for glasses or contact lenses that maybe lost or broken.

Q9. Do you offer a pick up service?

A9. Yes, we do. In the Minakami area we pick up from Minakami Station (for local line trains) and Jomokogen Station (for bullet trains). In the Okutama area we pick up from Mitake Station (local line trains).

In Minakami and Okutama we also offer pick up from selected local onsens and accommodations. Please let us know when you book that you will be travelling by train, and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Q10. Do tours run in bad weather?

A10. Yes, we can run tours in the rain, however it does depends on the situation. If the water level rises too much then we may have to reassess the situation as your safety is our number one priority.

Q11. When is the best time to go rafting?

A11. It's always a great time to raft. For those that like high thrills, April to June is spring high water season and this is the best time to run the rapids. For those who prefer a more mellow tour, the summer rafting from July onwards is a better bet and a great way to escape the heat.

Q12. Do you have Lunch or BBQ facilities for after my tour?

A12. In Minakami you can choose one of our food plans such as a plate lunch, barbecue or snacks at our cafe. We can arrange a BBQ at lunch time and dinner time after your tour, please see Canyons Minakami BBQ ※Please note we require prebooking for BBQ plan

Q13. Do you have accommodation packages?

A13. Yes we do. Canyons runs its own lodge in Minakami: Alpine Lodge

If you book a rafting tour and stay at the Alpine Lodge you can get half day tour and one night stay with breakfast included from just 11 000 JPY per person.

If you are looking for onsen, delicious food and Japanese hospitality, there are plenty of accomodation options around Canyons. If you book at any of Canyons' associated accommodations you can receive a good package discount.

Q14. Can I join the tour if I am travelling alone?

A14. Yes! This year we are accepting one person reservations. Unfortunately this is not yet available on our website so please contact our reservations staff via email or give us a call so we can make it happen.

Q15. Is there a minimum age requirement for rafting?

A15. To join our rafting tours all participants must be 13 years old or over.

If you have any other questions that aren't covered above please drop us an email and we will be happy to help.



Canyons 博客


恒例となったニューアコースティックキャンプは、自然の中で音楽を楽しむ素晴らしいイベントです。特に、みなかみの豊かな自然環境は、心を癒し、音楽をより一層引き立ててくれます。このイベントは、アウトドア好きな皆様にとって、日常を離れ、心身ともにリフレッシュできる貴重な機会です。 また、さまざまなアーティストのライブパフォーマンスや、参加者同士の交流も魅力の一つです。キャンプの雰囲気の中で音楽を楽しむことで、参加者は共通の趣味を持つ仲間と特別な絆を築くことができます。 さらに、周辺にはアウトドアアクティビティも豊富にありますので、キャンプの合間に自然を満喫することもできます。家族や友人と共に、ニューアコースティックキャンプで素晴らしい思い出を作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。


2023年5月に起きた、みなかみラフティング事故は、アウトドアを楽しむ多くの方に衝撃を与えました。この事故を通じて、ラフティングを提供する会社の安全対策の重要性が再認識されています。特に、適切な装備や指導が行われているかどうかは、事故防止に大きく寄与する要素です。 アウトドアツアーを行う会社の責任として、常に安全を最優先に考える必要があります。事前のリスク評価や、天候状況の把握は不可欠です。また、インストラクターの経験値や技術も、安全に楽しむための大切な要素となります。 弊社のガイドも要請を受け、捜索救助にあたりましたが、残念な結果となり大変申し訳なく、被害者の方、ご遺族の皆様に深く哀悼の意を捧げます。 この記事に関しましては、今後の弊社の安全に対する取り組みを強化するにあたり社内で検討したことであり、公式の見解ではございませんのでご了承くださいませ。