Canyons have been exploring the Kii Peninsula for over 20 years and as of 2022, we opened a base in Kiho!

The small town of Kiho in southern Mie Prefecture and the surrounding mountains of Wakayama and Nara boasts the best canyoning in the Kansai region. Beautifully carved bedrock canyons, great water flows and lush native bush create the perfect recipe for some AMAZING adventures!

Our canyoning tours include Level 2-3 half-day courses which have an awesome combination of ropework, jumps and some of the BIGGEST slides in Japan! If you have experience let us know and we can organise a higher level private tour.

Nearby is one of the best campsites in the country, great seafood and a range of excellent hiking and river activities. Canyoning and camp packages are also available. All pf these sites are accessible within 3 hours on the incredibly scenic Kuroshio Line from Osaka or the Kii Line from Nagoya.


A pioneer of canyoning in Japan
Canyons has been leading the canyoning industry as a pioneer of canyoning tours in Japan.

Small group tour
The maximum number of participants in one tour is limited to 12 people so that each customer can enjoy a high-quality tour. We believe the size of the tour is very important because it means all participants can enjoy nature and the canyoning experience.

Course variations
Canyons offer a variety of canyoning tours. We are actively working on developing new courses so that everyone from beginners to repeaters can enjoy stepping up according to the levels set by Canyons.

Internationally certified guide
Canyons have internationally certified guides. During the period when there is no tour, we train repeatedly and train ourselves so that we can conduct better tours.

Best equipment
The equipment we use at Canyons is the best in the world.

If you would like to learn more about Canyons, the pioneers of canyoning in Japan, check out the link below.


Fergus (canyoning guide) and Nana (guest service) are always there to welcome you!!

Nana: Kiho Town is located on the border between Wakayama and Mie prefectures, and the water is very clean, and the atmosphere of the town is very calm and soothing.

Fergus: Kiho Town has friendly locals, canyons, mountain trails, world heritage sites and really cool beaches. I still have so much to explore.

Neighborhood Discount, OTONARIWARI Campaign.

2000 yen discount for residents of Mie, Wakayama and Nara Prefectures!

Kiho Canyoning & Packraft Tours

Kiho Courses

The main course in Kiho is Kiri Canyon.

At Canyons, we use a level system to define the challenge level of the course.

Kiho has a level 2 "Hisetsu Canyoning" course , level 3 “Kiri Canyoning” course and a level 4 “Mega Kiri Canyoning” course.

Level 2 "Hisetsu Canyoning" and level 3 "Kiri Canyoning" course can be participated even by first-timers.

Also, if you want fun full day activities you can join a combo tour "Kiri + Hisetsu"!!!

"Mega Kiri Canyoning" course can be reserved for those who have participated in Kiri Canyoning Course or other Canyons courses before.

Hisetsu Canyon Lv.2Kiri Canyon Lv.3Mega Kiri Canyon Lv.4
遊ぶ時間 Time in Canyon60 mins90 mins5 hours
滝の最大高さ Biggest waterfall30m18m40m
ジャンプの最大高さ Biggest Jump2m8m8m
スライダー Slider2m、5m、7m18m18m
ハイキング Hiking行き in to canyon 10 mins 帰り out of canyon 1 mins行き in to canyon 5 mins 帰り out of canyon 15 mins行き in to canyon 45 mins 帰り out of canyon 15 mins

Feedback from Last Year

  • 2022/July/17 Female: “It was scary but super fun!!”

  • 2022/July/23 Male: “Mega slider was so huge! Share the attractions of this with the world.”

  • 2022/August/6 Female: “Nothing bad to say, It was wonderful!”

  • 2022/August/11 Male: “It was fun and great even on the way to Canyon ^_^ ”

If you need help deciding which canyoning course is right for you, check the link below:



Canyons 博客


恒例となったニューアコースティックキャンプは、自然の中で音楽を楽しむ素晴らしいイベントです。特に、みなかみの豊かな自然環境は、心を癒し、音楽をより一層引き立ててくれます。このイベントは、アウトドア好きな皆様にとって、日常を離れ、心身ともにリフレッシュできる貴重な機会です。 また、さまざまなアーティストのライブパフォーマンスや、参加者同士の交流も魅力の一つです。キャンプの雰囲気の中で音楽を楽しむことで、参加者は共通の趣味を持つ仲間と特別な絆を築くことができます。 さらに、周辺にはアウトドアアクティビティも豊富にありますので、キャンプの合間に自然を満喫することもできます。家族や友人と共に、ニューアコースティックキャンプで素晴らしい思い出を作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。


2023年5月に起きた、みなかみラフティング事故は、アウトドアを楽しむ多くの方に衝撃を与えました。この事故を通じて、ラフティングを提供する会社の安全対策の重要性が再認識されています。特に、適切な装備や指導が行われているかどうかは、事故防止に大きく寄与する要素です。 アウトドアツアーを行う会社の責任として、常に安全を最優先に考える必要があります。事前のリスク評価や、天候状況の把握は不可欠です。また、インストラクターの経験値や技術も、安全に楽しむための大切な要素となります。 弊社のガイドも要請を受け、捜索救助にあたりましたが、残念な結果となり大変申し訳なく、被害者の方、ご遺族の皆様に深く哀悼の意を捧げます。 この記事に関しましては、今後の弊社の安全に対する取り組みを強化するにあたり社内で検討したことであり、公式の見解ではございませんのでご了承くださいませ。