Outdoor Companies

MTB Japan

Guided downhill mountain bike tours with many different thrill levels to choose from, high end specialized bikes and professional guide Natahn Bennet from New Zealand.

Sabaidee Kayak Tours

Guided lake canoe tours. Many different courses and times for different levels of experience.

Grand Volee

Want to learn to fly? Grand Volee is the place to go! From learn-to-fly courses to amazing tandem paragliding....Something for everyone.

Outdoor Japan

Outdoor Japan is the leading resource for adventure travel in Japan.

Fuji Mountain Guides

Since our inception in 2007, FMG has guided thousands of guests safely and successfully to the summit of Mt. Fuji.

Recommended International Canyoning Companies

The best Canyoning operation in the USA based out of Ouray Colarado. A great selection of courses for different experience levels as well as offering canyoning training courses. Andy and his crew will give you the experience of a lifetime!

Ticino is one of the best canyoning destinations in the world and Ticino Adventures is the company to go with. Zac and Fabio are both very experienced guides that offer the best trips to some of the famous BIG canyons of the Ticino area.

Thomas runs canyoning trips all around Europe in the best canyons available; Switerland, Germany, Portugal, Ityaly, Slovenia. If you want to do a mulitday canyoning trip then the crew at Pure Elements are you go to!

Owned by the legendary Koryn Gould, Big Rock runs a variety of canyoning trips around the Cantebury region. You can also do canyoning courses to learn skills or become a guide!

Interlaken is one of the big outdoor destinations of Europe. Alpin Raft was the first company in Interlaken and has some of the most experienced and entertaining guides in the world. Sasha, Koryn and the crew provide amazing experiences and have vast local knowledge.

Slovenia is an outdoor paradise with sheer mountains, picturesque lakes and it fair share of good canyons. Jernej and the crew at Altitide Adventures are passionate about adventures and offer some of the best trips in Slovenia.

The wanaka area has some of the best canyoning in New Zealand and Dave and the crew at Deep Canyon have the best selection of "deep" and exciting canyons.

If cold water is not your thing then go and check out the canyoning in Abel Tasman National Park. Beautiful warmish water canyons with amazing native bush. Toine, Lee and the crew will make sure you have an epic day of adventure and learn a bit about the local history and nature.

Established in the year 1991, Ultimate Descents Nepal (UDN) is the name of Nepal’s premier rafting outfitter. With years of experience in hospitality as well as in Nepal’s whitewater. UDN have claimed the “Nepal Tourism Award” for five consecutive years, making it one of the best rafting operators in Nepal.

Winter Training Companies

Educating Adventures provides ski and snowboard training programs and internships around the world.

ICE is the official training centre for BASI (British Association of Snowsport Instructors) in Val d’Isere, France. It is the definitive choice for those wishing to qualify as a ski or snowboard instructor.

Winter Sports is a leading provider of ski and snowboard instructor training. From entry level instructor programmes to advanced level 3 training, there is no better way to improve your skills and get the qualifications you need to have a career in the ski and snowboard industry. We offer training in Canada, France and New Zealand in CSIA, CASI, BASI, NZSIA, SBINZ and Ski Patrol certification.



Canyons 博客


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