
For a brighter future

Refreshing the world through sustainable outdoor experiences

Canyons Co., Ltd.

Sustainability policy

Through our business, Canyons will strive for sustainable development in terms of the global environment, local communities, culture, and the health and livelihoods of the people involved.

Follow these norms for sustainable development:

1 Sustainability management and legal compliance

• Develop a sustainable action plan with clear goals, actions, measures, responsibilities and time plans.

・ We will strive to quantify, document, evaluate, improve, and implement sustainable plans.

・ Develop guidelines for sustainability.

・ Clarify all staff about sustainable efforts and encourage them to implement them.

・ Comply with national and regional laws and regulations.

2 Conservation of global environment and biodiversity

-Proactively reduce the use of disposable and consumer goods.

・ We support the purchase of sustainable products and services.

・ We will take measures to reduce the amount of PET bottles used. "

・ As for the paper to be used, we will prioritize the purchase of recycled products, FSC certified paper, etc. that are made with consideration for sustainability.

• Set the copier or press to double-sided printing or other formats of saving mode by default.

・ Prioritize the purchase of energy with less environmental impact as much as possible.

・ We will strive to save energy by switching off lighting and equipment when not in use.

・ Understand and manage power consumption, and strive for optimal operation without waste.

· Prioritize low energy equipment when purchasing new items, including cost and quality considerations. "

・ It is effectively treated in compliance with the domestic law of waste and wastewater treatment.

・ Minimize and substitute the use of harmful substances, and properly manage the storage, handling, and disposal of chemical substances.

・ We will formulate and implement policies for reducing and recycling solid waste.

-Separate all recyclable materials and organize collection and proper disposal.

-For printing ink and toner cartridges, prioritize the purchase of recycled and refillable products.

・ We do not sell or advertise endangered wild animal and plant species and historical archaeological relics on the Red List of CITES (Washington Convention) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as souvenirs.

・ We will always consider the impact on wildlife and natural ecosystems and strive to minimize the environmental burden.

3 Communication with customers

・ We will protect your personal information.

・ We will provide information on safety and work to avoid and prevent risks.

・ Providing information on sustainability,

・ We will improve customer satisfaction and service by conducting customer surveys and responding appropriately to customer complaints.

4 Communication with the community

・ We will implement sustainable initiatives and communicate them to the local community.

・ Actively utilize local ingredients and services.

5 Work environment where you can work with peace of mind

・ In compliance with laws and regulations, we will not be involved in any forced labor or child labor.

・ We will clarify wages and employment details and strive to build an occupational health and safety environment. Fluctuation

Canyons Co., Ltd.

Sustainability policy

Through our business, Canyons will strive for sustainable development in terms of the global environment, local communities, culture, and the health and livelihoods of the people involved.

Follow these norms for sustainable development:

1 Sustainability management and legal compliance

• Develop a sustainable action plan with clear goals, actions, measures, responsibilities and time plans.

・ We will strive to quantify, document, evaluate, improve, and implement sustainable plans.

・ Develop guidelines for sustainability.

・ Clarify all staff about sustainable efforts and encourage them to implement them.

・ Comply with national and regional laws and regulations.

2 Conservation of global environment and biodiversity

-Proactively reduce the use of disposable and consumer goods.

・ We support the purchase of sustainable products and services.

・ We will take measures to reduce the amount of PET bottles used. "

・ As for the paper to be used, we will prioritize the purchase of recycled products, FSC certified paper, etc. that are made with consideration for sustainability.

• Set the copier or press to double-sided printing or other formats of saving mode by default.

・ Prioritize the purchase of energy with less environmental impact as much as possible.

・ We will strive to save energy by switching off lighting and equipment when not in use.

・ Understand and manage power consumption, and strive for optimal operation without waste.

· Prioritize low energy equipment when purchasing new items, including cost and quality considerations. "

・ It is effectively treated in compliance with the domestic law of waste and wastewater treatment.

・ Minimize and substitute the use of harmful substances, and properly manage the storage, handling, and disposal of chemical substances.

・ We will formulate and implement policies for reducing and recycling solid waste.

-Separate all recyclable materials and organize collection and proper disposal.

-For printing ink and toner cartridges, prioritize the purchase of recycled and refillable products.

・ We do not sell or advertise endangered wild animal and plant species and historical archaeological relics on the Red List of CITES (Washington Convention) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as souvenirs.

・ We will always consider the impact on wildlife and natural ecosystems and strive to minimize the environmental burden.

3 Communication with customers

・ We will protect your personal information.

・ We will provide information on safety and work to avoid and prevent risks.

・ Providing information on sustainability,

・ We will improve customer satisfaction and service by conducting customer surveys and responding appropriately to customer complaints.

4 Communication with the community

・ We will implement sustainable initiatives and communicate them to the local community.

・ Actively utilize local ingredients and services.

5 Work environment where you can work with peace of mind

・ In compliance with laws and regulations, we will not be involved in any forced labor or child labor.

・ We will clarify wages and employment details and strive to build an occupational health and safety environment. Fluctuation

2023年9月 名古屋テレビ「ドデスカ!」

2023年6月 JRグループ協力WEBマガジン「トレたび」取材協力

2023年6月 東京昭島のモリパークアウトドアヴィレッジ『TOKYO MOUNTAIN LIFE Vol.22』 キャニオンズ奥多摩掲載

2023年6月 「じゃらん家族旅行2023(関東・東北版)」(2023/6/1発売)別冊キャンプ・グランピング記事 みなかみグランピングリバーサイドオアシス掲載


Canyons Co., Ltd.

Sustainability policy

Through our business, Canyons will strive for sustainable development in terms of the global environment, local communities, culture, and the health and livelihoods of the people involved.

Follow these norms for sustainable development:

1 Sustainability management and legal compliance

• Develop a sustainable action plan with clear goals, actions, measures, responsibilities and time plans.

・ We will strive to quantify, document, evaluate, improve, and implement sustainable plans.

・ Develop guidelines for sustainability.

・ Clarify all staff about sustainable efforts and encourage them to implement them.

・ Comply with national and regional laws and regulations.

2 Conservation of global environment and biodiversity

-Proactively reduce the use of disposable and consumer goods.

・ We support the purchase of sustainable products and services.

・ We will take measures to reduce the amount of PET bottles used. "

・ As for the paper to be used, we will prioritize the purchase of recycled products, FSC certified paper, etc. that are made with consideration for sustainability.

• Set the copier or press to double-sided printing or other formats of saving mode by default.

・ Prioritize the purchase of energy with less environmental impact as much as possible.

・ We will strive to save energy by switching off lighting and equipment when not in use.

・ Understand and manage power consumption, and strive for optimal operation without waste.

· Prioritize low energy equipment when purchasing new items, including cost and quality considerations. "

・ It is effectively treated in compliance with the domestic law of waste and wastewater treatment.

・ Minimize and substitute the use of harmful substances, and properly manage the storage, handling, and disposal of chemical substances.

・ We will formulate and implement policies for reducing and recycling solid waste.

-Separate all recyclable materials and organize collection and proper disposal.

-For printing ink and toner cartridges, prioritize the purchase of recycled and refillable products.

・ We do not sell or advertise endangered wild animal and plant species and historical archaeological relics on the Red List of CITES (Washington Convention) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as souvenirs.

・ We will always consider the impact on wildlife and natural ecosystems and strive to minimize the environmental burden.

3 Communication with customers

・ We will protect your personal information.

・ We will provide information on safety and work to avoid and prevent risks.

・ Providing information on sustainability,

・ We will improve customer satisfaction and service by conducting customer surveys and responding appropriately to customer complaints.

4 Communication with the community

・ We will implement sustainable initiatives and communicate them to the local community.

・ Actively utilize local ingredients and services.

5 Work environment where you can work with peace of mind

・ In compliance with laws and regulations, we will not be involved in any forced labor or child labor.

・ We will clarify wages and employment details and strive to build an occupational health and safety environment. Fluctuation

フジテレビ おじゃマップ
フジテレビ 国分太一のお気楽さんぽ
フジテレビ 有吉の夏休み
フジテレビ 王様のブランチ -コジドライブ-
テレビ東京 駐在刑事SEASON2
テレビ東京 駐在刑事SP2022
日本テレビ news every
NHK前橋 ほっとぐんま630
BS-TBS すいもくチャンネル
フジテレビ サスティな!
日本テレビ ヒルナンデス -
テレビ愛知 乃木坂工事中



Canyons 博客


恒例となったニューアコースティックキャンプは、自然の中で音楽を楽しむ素晴らしいイベントです。特に、みなかみの豊かな自然環境は、心を癒し、音楽をより一層引き立ててくれます。このイベントは、アウトドア好きな皆様にとって、日常を離れ、心身ともにリフレッシュできる貴重な機会です。 また、さまざまなアーティストのライブパフォーマンスや、参加者同士の交流も魅力の一つです。キャンプの雰囲気の中で音楽を楽しむことで、参加者は共通の趣味を持つ仲間と特別な絆を築くことができます。 さらに、周辺にはアウトドアアクティビティも豊富にありますので、キャンプの合間に自然を満喫することもできます。家族や友人と共に、ニューアコースティックキャンプで素晴らしい思い出を作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。


2023年5月に起きた、みなかみラフティング事故は、アウトドアを楽しむ多くの方に衝撃を与えました。この事故を通じて、ラフティングを提供する会社の安全対策の重要性が再認識されています。特に、適切な装備や指導が行われているかどうかは、事故防止に大きく寄与する要素です。 アウトドアツアーを行う会社の責任として、常に安全を最優先に考える必要があります。事前のリスク評価や、天候状況の把握は不可欠です。また、インストラクターの経験値や技術も、安全に楽しむための大切な要素となります。 弊社のガイドも要請を受け、捜索救助にあたりましたが、残念な結果となり大変申し訳なく、被害者の方、ご遺族の皆様に深く哀悼の意を捧げます。 この記事に関しましては、今後の弊社の安全に対する取り組みを強化するにあたり社内で検討したことであり、公式の見解ではございませんのでご了承くださいませ。