Solo stay gramping

The newly opened Minakami Riverside Oasis Glamping (glamorous camping) area is perfectly located at the entrance to Joshinetsu National Park adjacent to Canyons Minakami Base. Surrounded by native forest in a secluded valley, the site overlooks the pure emerald green waters of the Yubiso River, one of the most picturesque rivers in the Minakami area.

This special package for 1 person enjoying glamorous camping at WATER FRONT tent.

Price of this tent is 25000 yen for 2 people with out dinner, this time special price for 1 person. It's 20000 yen includes BBQ(3000 yen) dinner.

When: Staying at Wednesday or Thursday

Duration: from 20th May until 8th July 2022

How to Book

Decide on your preferred day and check out our Glamping site here

Please text a campaign code "2022SOLOCAMP" in a comment. After we receive your request ,we will check availability and reply to you .


  • Only for solo stay at Waterfront tent.

  • It's includes a BBQ dinner and breakfast.

  • Don't forget to add text code in comment.

Please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team for more details and any questions you may have. We are ready to help you at



Canyons ブログ


2024年のサマーシーズン、自然の中でのアドベンチャーを求める方々へスペシャルな体験をお届け! キャニオニングとラフティングの両方を体験して、絶景の渓谷や激流を満喫しませんか?キャニオンズでは安全を最優先に、経験豊富なガイドがみなさまをお連れします。 心躍る冒険と自然の美しさに触れる、忘れられない体験をお約束します。 お早めの予約をお勧めします!」


キャニオニングを始める方必見です! 大人気のアウトドアアクティビティ、キャニオニングは、滝つぼへのダイブ、ウォータースライダー、ジップラインといった様々なアクションを取り入れながら渓谷をダイナミックに下ります! 本記事ではキャニオニングの基本知識から楽しみ方まで、初心者向けにわかりやすく解説します。