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2020-2021Backcountry Tour Details
Tour duration7 hours
Price20,000JPY/person (minimum of 2 people required to run tour) 40,000JPY private tour * *Price based on a 2 person tour, larger group options available Ask us about multi day discounts for private tours!
Registration & Payment@Nozawa Onsen Ski School (Hikage Gondola) on the day before tour (or earlier) OR Using online booking form below (recommended)
Meet time8:00 @ Nagasaka Gondola Ticket Office
IncludesGuide fee, Transceiver, Probe, Shovel
Additional costsLift ticket, rental equipment (Lift tickets are not included in the price of the tour. Please wait until the morning of the tour to purchase lift tickets so that the guide can advise you on the type of ticket required.)
Participation requirementsAge 13 and older (Participants under 20 must have signature of guardian or parent.) We require all participants to be at least level 1 on the downhill ability level chart below.
FitnessPlease be aware that a certain level of fitness is required for our backcountry tours. Typically there will be 10-20 minutes of hiking per every minute of skiing. We require all participants to be at least level 1 on the fitness level chart below (and level 3 if you wish to use snowshoes on a group tour)
BringSki/snowboard, boots, ski clothing, gloves, helmet, goggles, ski poles with BIG baskets, drink, snacks, sandwich/food Snowshoes & poles OR Split board/touring skis and skins
SeasonJan 15th – March 15th
NoteTours to other resorts are only available as private tours. Tours including a participant aged 15 or under are only available as a private tours. Private tours are based on the cost of 4 people.
Backcoutry rental equipmentBackpack 1000yen Snowshoe & Poles 1000yen Poles with big baskets 1000yen Touring skis and skins 5000 yen Split board and skins 5000 yen Note: Touring skis and splitboards are strongly recommended. Snowshoes can be used as an alternative to touring gear.
InsuranceInsurance is not inlcuded in tour so we recommend ALL tour participants have travel insurance.

Backcountry Tour Flow

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Canyons ブログ


2024年のサマーシーズン、自然の中でのアドベンチャーを求める方々へスペシャルな体験をお届け! キャニオニングとラフティングの両方を体験して、絶景の渓谷や激流を満喫しませんか?キャニオンズでは安全を最優先に、経験豊富なガイドがみなさまをお連れします。 心躍る冒険と自然の美しさに触れる、忘れられない体験をお約束します。 お早めの予約をお勧めします!」


キャニオニングを始める方必見です! 大人気のアウトドアアクティビティ、キャニオニングは、滝つぼへのダイブ、ウォータースライダー、ジップラインといった様々なアクションを取り入れながら渓谷をダイナミックに下ります! 本記事ではキャニオニングの基本知識から楽しみ方まで、初心者向けにわかりやすく解説します。