Canyons rafting tours are only held in the Minakami area!

The Spring Season brings world-class grade 4+ white water and high thrills, and Summer Season involves enjoying playing in and outside the boat on a mellow grade 1-2 section. In the winter months we can enjoy the beauty of the snow covered landscapes.

Each season is very different in terms of distance covered on the river and the type of experience, so pick your ideal thrill level.

Canyons limit the number of trips held each day. Even though the length and style of the tour vary between seasons, Canyons aim to give you the most time to enjoy yourself and experience the real beauty of Japan's nature.

As you descend the mighty Tone River learn about the local history, customs and culture from our professional international guides. The history of the area dates back 3500 years, with the river playing an integral part in the formation of many of the great families of Japan, including the Tokugawa Clan and the creation of Edo(Tokyo).


Minakami Spring

Spring rafting in Minakami is the real deal! Over 12kms of grade 4 whitewater bliss on the half day section and over 25kms on the full day course make for nonstop action! Pass through 3 incredible gorge sections and not only enjoy the thrilling rapids but also learn a bit about the town and its history from our experienced guides.
Suitable for age 13yrs and older.


Minakami Summer

From late June the water level in the river drops and it is summer season rafting which is perfect for those who are not after the high thrills of spring. Mess around in and outside the boat with your guide, and enjoy the stunning nature that surrounds you. Even with the more gentle flow there is still plenty of time out on the river to have lots of fun.
Suitable for age 6 yrs and older

If you would like more thrills in summer we recommend canyoning or packrafting.


Minakami Winter

Welcome to the serene and captivating world of winter rafting in Minakami, Japan, where the thrill of adventure takes a back seat to the sheer beauty of the surroundings. Nestled within the heart of snow-cloaked mountains and embraced by tranquil landscapes, Minakami offers a unique and enchanting experience for those seeking a more contemplative and visually breathtaking journey. As you gently glide along the crisp, crystalline waters, you'll be mesmerized by the ethereal winter wonderland that surrounds you, a tableau of pure white punctuated by the vibrant hues of evergreen trees. Winter rafting in Minakami is a soul-stirring escapade that invites you to revel in the gentle embrace of nature's artistry, creating memories that resonate long after the adventure ends.


Recommended Rafting Adventures


So what's so special about rafting?

  1. Learn about the area and experience the nature. From a raft you get a unique perspective and pass through areas that only a raft can access. The guides can tell you stories about the area and the significance of the river.

  2. A natural roller coaster! Riding rapids is a rush, no better way to get the blood pumping.

  3. Awesome with friends! Rafting is very much a team sports and sharing the adventure is a great teambuilding experience whether is be for partners, co-workers, friends or families.



Experienced guides and awesome courses

A guide makes the difference between a good day and an incredible day. Our group of international guides are the best in the game and will keep you safe and entertain above and beyond!
The courses we choose are the best sections of river, some of which only our guides can run.

Tour Equipment

We use the highest quality gear, all safety approved and chosen for superior comfort and safety.

Apres Adventure

Apres is one of the most enjoyable parts of the day. Enjoy the surroundings, grab a cold drink at our riverside cafe/bar, talk with the guides and hang out with your new found friends.

Rafting companies in other areas of Japan that we recommend:

The Yoshino River in Shikoku is the an awesome experience and HAPPY RAFT is the company to go for.


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2023年5月に起きた、みなかみラフティング事故は、アウトドアを楽しむ多くの方に衝撃を与えました。この事故を通じて、ラフティングを提供する会社の安全対策の重要性が再認識されています。特に、適切な装備や指導が行われているかどうかは、事故防止に大きく寄与する要素です。 アウトドアツアーを行う会社の責任として、常に安全を最優先に考える必要があります。事前のリスク評価や、天候状況の把握は不可欠です。また、インストラクターの経験値や技術も、安全に楽しむための大切な要素となります。 弊社のガイドも要請を受け、捜索救助にあたりましたが、残念な結果となり大変申し訳なく、被害者の方、ご遺族の皆様に深く哀悼の意を捧げます。 この記事に関しましては、今後の弊社の安全に対する取り組みを強化するにあたり社内で検討したことであり、公式の見解ではございませんのでご了承くださいませ。